In line with current government and ECB advice the portable net facility, when situated on the square, is now available for booking by members of the club using our automated booking system. On each page of the booking process, the terms and conditions for using the net facility in the current circumstances are detailed and you should read and agree to abide by them for the safety and well-being of all users before confirming your booking.
In order to make a booking first choose a date, which should only be in the current calendar week (Monday – Sunday). Secondly, choose an available time slot and then complete the other details for your booking. In order for your booking to be accepted you must tick the box to indicate that you have read the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them. You then have the opportunity to review the details of your booking before confirming it. At this point, you will receive an email to confirm that your booking has been made. If you subsequently wish to cancel your booking, please reply to this email and the slot will be released for other users.
Terms and Conditions for net facility usage
In making this booking, I agree to the following conditions of use in line with ECB advice:
• I will only use the net facility during the time I have booked, ensuring that time is available for the safe handover to the next user.
• I will bring all my own cricket equipment and only use my own equipment during my session. I will take all necessary steps to ensure no saliva or sweat comes into contact with the ball.
• I will bring my own sanitising materials and ensure that they are used before, during and at the end of my session for my own safety and the safety of other users.
• I agree to maintain social distancing of at least two metres, at all times, from people present at the club who are not members of my household.
• I understand that there will be no toilet or First Aid facilities available at the club unless I am taking part in a formal one to one coaching session, in which case First Aid will be available.
• If I am not taking part in a formal one to one coaching session, I agree to be the club’s named representative on site during my session and take responsibility for any other members of my household taking part. I also agree to supervise other participants in my session, in line with current government and ECB advice.
• I confirm that I am over 18, a member of Cheadle Hulme CC and that none of the participants in my sessions have symptoms of Covid-19 or live in a household with a possible Covid-19 infection or are classified as extremely vulnerable on health grounds.