Martin Losse – Funeral Arrangements

It is with deep sadness that we have to pass on the news that our former Chairman Martin Losse passed away earlier today. Martin was a great supporter of the cricket club and will be sorely missed.

Our sincere condolences go to Angela and all of the family at this difficult time.

Funeral details will follow once confirmed.

Update – We have received the following from his family.


Dear friends and family,

As you will know, Martin died peacefully at home on Monday 16th March. Unfortunately the cancer that he had been treated for throughout 2019 had spread. He had been determined to die at home surrounded by his family and I take some comfort from the fact that we were able to make that happen for him.

Times are uncertain, but as things stand, his cremation service will be held at Stockport crematorium on Tuesday 31st March at 4pm. Given restrictions on travel and on gatherings, which are also likely to change between then and now,  please take full account of what Public Health England advise when deciding whether to attend. Current advice can be found at www.NHS.UK/coronavirus  We fully understand that many of our friends and family are likely to  be self isolating, and ask that no one takes any unnecessary risks.

Given the circumstances, we will not be offering hospitality after this service. As it was Martin’s wish to hold a celebration at Manchester Rugby club, we intend to do this at a later point in the year and vey much hope that you will be able to join us for this. We will update you about this when we can.

Please feel free to circulate this to anyone who may not be receiving it and apologies to anyone we have missed out.

Angela, Claire, Eleanor and Nick.