Under 9s lionesses: Katie Hans (players player) and Tabitha Goss (coaches player)
Under 11s lionesses: Megan Williams (players player) and Olivia Bonser (coaches player)
Under 9s: Dev Ampolu (players player) and JJ Williams (coaches player)
Under 11: James Lister (players player) and Arham Dar (coaches player)
Under 13: Ibrahim (players player) and Alex Finley (coaches player)
Under 15: Alex Caprio-Brown (players player) and Nat Jackson (coaches player)
Under 17: Yusuf Ahsan (bowling) and Dylan Lindsey (batting)

Junior chair, Sue Gouldson, reflects on the 2022 season.

It’s the end of my first season as Junior Chair and it’s been a really challenging but enjoyable one. I’ve learnt sooo many new things – who knew balls were so complicated!?!?

This year we’ve played more junior cricket than ever before at Cheadle Hulme Cricket club!! We’ve got 130 kids in total, and there seem to be more people joining every week. We’ve had regular matches (weather permitting) for 7 teams right the way from age 8 to age 17. I’m delighted to see that the girls section has 2 strong teams this year and is getting bigger all the time. And you might also have noticed the 90 teeny-tiny All Stars at the start of the summer.

Some of the teams have also been able to attend some summer tournaments for the first time, which are loads of fun. And Aimee ran a massively successful girls tournament at the club, followed on by some of the parents joining in the fun for the first ever women’s tournament at the club.

Away from the cricket, we’ve introduced a newsletter and a welcome letter with vital club information, retained our Clubmark status, refreshed all the policy documents, recruited an additional Safeguarding officer, introduced lanyards for Safeguarding Officers, bought First Aid kits for every junior team (including extra ice packs), We’ve improved the communications via Whatsapp and shared match reports on social media.

Planned for next season is an enduring club shop (so you can order match shirts, hats etc. at any time during the season), creation of a welcome pack and improvements to the website.

The final event of the season was junior presentation night, which was a fitting close to a spectacular season. Thanks to everyone who helped organise and run the event but deserving special mentions are Harry Winters, who designed the awesome badges and Ged Wilson for the stunning photos (some of my favourites are below).

Thanks for the wine and chocolates which I will be enjoying whilst relaxing on Friday nights.

Some photos of the event….