We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been awarded a grant of £10,000 by Sport England to go towards our project to build a new net practice facility at Grove Park. We are looking to install a three lane all weather practice facility at the ground, which will cost the club £47,000, through a combination of funding methods.
Our current net practice facility at the club has been put to very good use training and coaching our players as they have sought to improve their cricketing skills and abilities. However, our rapidly expanding junior section, which has grown the club by nearly 100 members thanks to the hard work of members of the club has necessitated changes. The net facilities we currently have are no longer able to cope with the demand for their use and also, due to their condition, it is proving difficult to manage training and coaching sessions in them.
The club committee will provide further updates about fundraising efforts over the next couple of weeks and would welcome any suggestions or ideas about fundraising iniatives that the club membership could consider.